Mrs. Emem Nwogwugwu
(Ememnwogwugwu Ministry)
I have benefited greatly from Apostle Busola’s Ministry mentoring group. From the teachings she has taught us, she makes sure everyone overcomes any limiting beliefs or shyness. She gives opportunities to everyone to participate in leadership responsibilities and that has really developed a lot of us in the mentoring group. Also, we have grown in the WORD, in our businesses, relationships and in our prayer lives. Thanks so much, Apostle Busola for your Obedience to God. More Grace to you always.???❤?

Sola Omolade Adeleye
(House of Cedar Youth Ministry)
I remember God speaking to me about starting a youth ministry and I didn’t know how to go about the process. God led me to meet Apostle Busola Jegede through the ministry of Daughters of Destiny and I joined her mentoring program. The mentoring classes touched on different areas of ministry and were very enriching. Also her one-on-one mentoring, retreats and her Spirit-filled messages have been great tools for the work of the ministry. Apostle Jegede does not only mentor in ministry but also lead by example through her international ministry. I have been blessed by her mentor ship and I give God the glory.

Chijioke Nwogu
(President of Spirit Filled Sisters Fellowship)
I give God all the glory for my Mentor and Spiritual Mother, Apostle Busola Jegede whom the Lord is using to mentor me in ministry. I celebrate with her as she marks her 13th year in Ministry. I thank God for His grace and faithfulness upon her ministry – Daughters of Destiny Interdenominational Fellowship, and I pray that her ministry will continue to wax stronger and gain more grounds for the Kingdom of God.
The Lord ordered my steps to the Ministry of Daughters of Destiny in 2016, at a period in my life when I was not praying and going through challenges. My association with my mentor and the ministry of Daughters of Destiny gave my spiritual life a boost, I learned how to prevail in prayer, and I saw the move of God in my situation.
Her mentorship program helped me to articulate my vision and to birth my ministry.
To the glory of God, my ministry was inaugurated in April 9, 2017 through her guidance. The Knowledge I acquired from her mentorship program has helped me in running my ministry. At any point that I have a challenge, I ask her for counsel which she is willing to give. I’m also learning from her insightful and practical teachings.
I thank God for connecting me to my mentor.
My association with her has been very impactful to my spiritual life and ministry. I pray that God will continue to strengthen her to do the work that He has called her to do and her life would continue to impact many.

Joy Adeyemi
(We Are Thriving Women)
I had a calling through Thriving Women; to help women who have been hurt, full of shame and guilt and have experienced rejection to thrive through an experience with God. My challenge was I didn’t feel equipped enough to take on this call confidentiality.
Mentoring in Ministry by Apostle Busola helped make and is still helping me fulfill my call. Apostle Busola not only equipped me with foundational knowledge of God’s word, but her style of teaching means that you can truly stand on your own while helping other people.
She has such spiritual energy that is evident throughout all she does and as I am mentored by her, I have developed such spiritual energy as well. In any calling or ministry, prayer and intercession are key tools for thriving. With Mentoring in Ministry, you also developed your intercessory skills.

Mary Olabiyi
My name is Mary Olabiyi. Proudly a Daughter of Destiny.
Apostle Busola Jegede is a woman sent by God to liberate women. She is not just a mentor but a passionate mother.
I joined Daughters of Destiny in year 2008 as a single, I was invited by a friend who was married, that day I knew this was the right place to be. I went home that day with a word I can never forget “if you are dating a married man, you are heading towards destruction, especially if the woman attends DOD”. I got a job and stopped attending fellowship. In year 2012 I reconnected back after having my first child, because at that season in my life, I knew something was missing and I was determined to find it out.
Anytime I came back from fellowship, I will tell my husband what I learnt and he started requesting for the C.D’s . I decided to join the mentoring group in DOD then, which was led by Pastor Omolade, later proceeded to go through Destiny Academy, behold I became a worker in DOD.
In my local church and in my environment, I realised single ladies tend to draw close to me and also share some of their weaknesses and secrets with me. At a point I kept wandering what it was all about.
During one of retreat for workers in DOD at Living Word camp in year 2013. That Saturday as Apostle was teaching on fulfilling purpose, I heard a voice from God ” Mary I have a work for you for singles, I want you to teach them how to live a righteous life”, right there God gave me the name of the ministry ” Purpose Driven Singles Ministry “
In year 2014, when there was no peace within me and I was 3months gone with my second child, I went to Apostle and she told me I need to start immediately and encouraged me that God will strengthen me even in pregnancy. I started the ministry 20th of April.
Anytime I felt like giving up, I will remember one of her words of encouragement ” Your vision is your life”. She taught me, how to run a ministry, chose leaders @ different stage, how to deal with issues, how to set goals monthly, quarterly and yearly and much more
I went through the Bliss training institute and I was amazed about my ignorance in ministry. I learnt so much from her teachings and the practical steps she took herself to achieve success in ministry. Her mentoring does not end the day you graduate, she continues to follow you up and make sure you are on track.
Everyday I appreciate God for connecting me to Apostle Busola Jegede because she helped to push out, what God has deposited inside of me, I would have been in depression though everything around me was perfect, if I did not realised purpose on time.
She is a mother that implanted boldness in me, to be able to face the enemy.
Thank you so much mummy.